MobiTV: Viewdini

I did design and resize work for the mobile UI of Viewdini in 2012, from buttons, to layout to spacing to isolating and exporting all design elements.



MobiTV: NFL Live

I did design and resize work for the mobile UI of NFL Live presented by Verizon



RR Kidz: Reading Rainbow Skybrary app

I did all the design and illustration work for the journal, icons, and its UI. I did quite a bit of art direction for this project as well. I did not create the 3D island, “cockpit” UI, or the illustrations for the puffy stickers.

I designed and illustrated all of the UI for the “Activity book”

I designed and illustrated all of the UI for the “backpack” and library collection. All of the backpacks were illustrated using gradient mapping in Illustrator. There was talk of the backpacks being actually produced and sold (though I don’t think that ever happened.)